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Your Vegetation Management Professionals

Transmission lines

Using Integrated Vegetation Management (IVM) techniques with environmentally friendly products, state of the art machinery we cull undesirable vegetation and maintain desirable species within transmission, gas and road side right of ways.

Industrial setting

Licensed and highly experienced exterminators apply pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicides around sensitive areas. This ensures bare ground as per health and safety regulations for areas such as equipment yards, transformer yards, valves, compressor stations and rail yards.


Manage vegetation mechanically and chemically to eliminate trees, shrubs and weeds, while leaving a thick growth of herbaceous vegetation to prevent erosion and enhance aesthetic appeal. 

Dam safety

Recognized as leaders in Ontario for vegetation management of all types of generating stations such as; earth and concrete dams, dykes, spillways and industrial tailings dams.  Equipped to service remote sites by boat or barge. Maintenance program to prevent root channeling and to keep toe of dam vegetation free according to engineer’s specifications to facilitate leak inspection.

Reparation and preservation of wooden penstocks and wooden poles to prevent dry rot and insect infestation.

Forestry vegetation management

Motor-manual brushing or basal bark spraying for conifer release or selective thinning.

Air-blast spray

Provide site prep and conifer release which enhances penetration to target species with herbicides in wood lots, shelterwood and clear-cut areas using air-blast sprayer mounted on skidder.


Licensed exterminator in Ontario for cattail removal and invading species in lagoons and settling ponds.  Removal prevents channeling and maintains lagoon integrity.

Utility work

Pruning, clearing and chipping of woody vegetation. Equipped to access remote areas. All workers are utility arborists or apprentices.

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